Dealing with Bullies and Haters

Everyone wants to be liked by others. It’s part of being a person. Often when someone says something mean to you, or about you – naturally, you take it personally. Cyber bullying has become a much talked-about topic, with the rise of a young generation that uses social media to target their peers. It’s crazy how bullying has changed over the past few decades.

Here is Park’s and Rec star Aziz Ansari talking about bullying.

Its not just school-aged children who have to worry about this. Everyone is connected online – and it seems like there are people out there who just want to hate on others. We see it in ‘Comment’ sections on Youtube videos, articles, and networks like Facebook.

The comforting thing is that we know we are not alone, that everyone is targeted regardless of who they are. Here is a hilarious segment from Jimmy Kimmel Live called Celebrities Read Mean Tweets About Themselves. Celebrities are probably targeted with more negative feedback than anyone – so that should make you feel a little bit better when you get hit with some hater mail.

Here is the newest segment: Celebs Read Mean Tweets #3   

Click here for Part #1, and Part #2

Here are some quotes by celebs from Quotesqr about dealing with bullies, haters, or anyone else trying to bring you down:

Love your haters – they’re your biggest fans. – Kanye West

Always speak your mind, and be bold, and be obnoxious and do whatever you want and don’t let anyone tell you to stop it. – Chelsea Handler

Don’t waste your energy trying to change opinions. Do your thing and don’t care if they like it. – Tina Fey

Give the haters the finger and be true to yourself. You can’t be a victim. You have to be a warrior. – Ke$ha

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